
About TCPR

The Next Generation of Player Development

The Tennis Center for Performance Research (TCPR) was founded in 2017 with the mission to develop a new paradigm for player development and performance based on science, technology and data analytics. We are pioneering the development of world-class stroke mechanics through research and application (stroke biomechanics, movement biomechanics, exercise physiology, and motor control and development) to facilitate development of high performance athletes in tennis.

Dr. Brian Gordon, Founder
Dr. Brian Gordon, Founder

The TCPR Concept

The Stroke Mechanics Specialists

TCPR specializes in Tennis Stroke Mechanics. This includes the technique used to hit tennis strokes combined with the quantified efficacy of the shots produced – all under variable and extreme conditions. It is the most important skill set in the sport.

The TCPR methodology is based on decades of basic and applied research in tennis stroke biomechanics. The system is enhanced by application of advances in other sport science disciplines. The corresponding images (right/below) highlight our primary areas of research and emphasis in application.

Our approach is in stark contrast to the approach of the majority of training programs in the current player development realm. These programs neglect sophisticated stroke mechanics development primarily because they don’t consider it important and they lack the expertise to address the subject in a meaningful way.

You would not go to a general medicine practitioner for knee surgery… why would you go to an antiquated academy for world-class mechanics?

Biomechanically Engineered Stroke Technique

The cornerstone of TCPR’s stroke mechanics program is the Biomechanically Engineered Stroke Technique (BEST) system. The system was rooted in the academic pursuits (basic research) of Dr. Brian Gordon. Development continued through applied research during work with players on the court. The system continues to evolve today.

In general, the system seeks to define stroke models that optimize skeletal-neuromuscular function in tennis stroke production. Since the system is a development tool, it must define model adaptations to accommodate variable skill sets along with the pedagogy to teach the system to developing athletes. More…

South Florida

From the Headquarters

World’s Most Advanced…

The world’s most advanced training court (by far) is located on an obscure back court at the Macci Tennis Center. It will be fully functional in Jan. 2024. Markerless 3D motion capture, accelerometer technology, neurocognitive technology and movement timing systems. Much more to come…

3D What…

A lot of mention about 3D Motion Capture – what is it? More importantly, what does “markerless” motion capture mean? After a year in development the TCPR/Simi Tennis Application is moving forward fast to change tennis player development forever. Learn more about the process of Markerless 3D Motion Capture…

High Tech Training

Players are welcome to experience the most powerful application of sport science to player development ever in tennis. State-of-the-art 3D motion capture technology combined with unparalleled expertise in application of advanced data to stroke development on the court in real time. More…

Truth in Tennis Blog

A Blog about TCPR and Player Development based on the perspectives from Sport Science Application. Most recent article in the Truth in Tennis Blog: From the Lab to the Court: Application of Advanced Biomechanical Concepts to Serve Development

Tennis Training

Training Programs

High Performance Player Development

The Personal Training Program is our signature high performance oriented player development program. The program is designed as a stand alone or supplemental solution for players residing in South Florida. This comprehensive  program utilizes unparalleled Sport Science and Tennis expertise to develop tennis athletes. Particular emphasis is placed on stroke and lower body mechanics. Details…

High Tech Training

With the recent acquisition of advanced markerless 3D motion capture technology, TCPR is pleased to offer High Tech Training Sessions to build stroke and movement mechanics. Sessions include 3D motion capture, immediate data analysis by Dr. Gordon, and same session on court intervention protocols. This is unique in the world and the most powerful Sport Science application ever produced for developing tennis players. Details…

Remote Training & Instruction

Developing players travel from across the country and world to learn and train in our system. Now it is possible to work with the world’s top applied stroke biomechanics expert on-line. Virtual Sessions allow realtime interaction in live training sessions on court. The Stroke Analysis format provides a narrated assessment by stroke as a blueprint for stroke development.

Tennis Science

Educational Programs

Truth in Tennis Blog

This TCPR blog highlights a myriad of issues related to developing tennis athletes. An emphasis is on applied sport science and particularly stroke biomechanics. The internet has exploded with information – most is pure nonsense. Here a trained sport scientist (Ph.D.) uses real data and unparalleled experience in science and tennis to explain stroke mechanics and much more. Enter the Truth in Tennis Blog…

University of B.E.S.T.

Advanced instructional courses are offered for each stroke type defined in the BEST System. Courses will cover all aspects of the mechanical basis and teaching methods of the base technique and adaptations. Courses will be administered using Learning Management System (LMS) software and include concept testing and certification by stroke. Courses are in development – check back for availability.

T.C.P.R. Presents

TCPR Presentations are original video productions focusing on sport science in player development. This includes the technologies used and the information that is derived. In particular, technology will be used to challenge, support or explain commonly taught concepts. Other unresolved questions about stroke mechanics will be addressed through quantification. The feature presentations are in development.

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