Post Capture Summary Graphic
Players participating in a 3D Motion Capture session as either a research project subject or as part of the High-Tech training program will receive a “Post Capture Summary” report via email. The email will provide links to graphic files that highlight important attributes of the strokes captured. The email also provides basic information about the files. The purpose of this page is to provide more detail about using and interpreting the information.

Summary Graphic Components
Links are provided for two separate graphic files – Template Tennis graphic & Stroke Mechanics graphic. Common to the graphic files are a 3D viewing window and a variety of options. The options include visualization aids (such as path trackers) and data or comparison options. This short video will demonstrate basic navigation in the viewing window and basics about the visualization aids.
Summary Basic Components
3D Viewing Window
Visualization Aid Options
Data (or Comparison) Options
The Template Tennis Graphic File
The Template Tennis graphic file presents the largest viewing window. The main purpose of this file is as a “stage” to compare the most recent strokes (current) with a previous session to determine changes. It also allows comparison to strokes from other groups of players. The strokes of these groups are combined (averaged) to produce a single model from that group.
Template Tennis represents the ongoing research of TCPR. That research seeks to acquire large databases (and therefore models) from demographics to include similar age and UTR rating. In addition comparison models will be available for high level players (11+ UTR females and 13+ UTR males) and for players exhibiting our Biomechanically Engineered Stroke Technique (BEST) technique.
The models may be used as comparative “Templates” for assessment and planning of stroke technique. TCPR is currently acquiring the data for these comparative models and they will become available when sufficient numbers of players have been analyzed. Further research will mathematically interpret differences between a current trial and a model trial.
Comparison Trials and Models
Most recent (previous) motion capture
Age Model (players of a similar age)
UTR Model (players of a similar UTR)
Elite Model (players with high UTR ratings)
BEST System Model (players exhibiting BEST technique)
The Stroke Mechanics Graphic File
The Stroke Mechanics graphic file provides more in depth information on the strokes from the current (most recent) capture session. Numerical digitizing of the strokes allows biomechanical computations that dig deep into stroke characteristics. The goal of this file is to display this information in an intuitive manner (no confusing graph interpretation).
Once the strokes are converted to numbers, virtually limitless options exist to describe the mechanics. The Stroke Mechanics file presents only those which are particularly relevant to developing stroke mechanics on the court. In other words, this file computes stroke characteristics which are commonly assessed qualitatively by coaches. Target (or typical) values for computations will be given in the next section.
Quantified Stroke Characteristics
Key Joint Angles
Torso Twist Rotation Speeds
Racquet Speed and Joint Sources
Movement Speed
Ball Speed
Sample Values
The following tables contain values that are typical for the Torso Twist and Racquet Speed data options in the Stroke Mechanics Graphic file. The values provided here are only directly applicable to the BEST System strokes. These values are provided just as reference to what values could look like (a ball park starting point). Individuals will deviate from these values based on stroke type, stance and many other factors.