Truth in Tennis – An Introduction
The TCPR Truth in Tennis Blog
The TCPR Truth in Tennis is our blog discussing everything related to building tennis athletes. In particular, the future of player development is the main thesis of our blog. Because nothing is “off the table” it should be of interest to any participant in the process of building tennis athletes, from players to parents to coaches and support providers.
The future of player development will be increasingly rooted in the sport sciences. Tennis has been behind most sports in applying science and technology to player development. Despite the work of some researchers and generic efforts by organizing bodies, the current development establishment generally continues to embrace the traditional thinking of the past.

The content of the TCPR Truth in Tennis Blog presents a different viewpoint. From developmental theory and approaches, to instructional methodology and content, to the application of Sport Science, to the use of advanced technology, this blog will review where we have been, but mostly what is possible in tennis player development. The following categories (click image for more information) will explore these possibilities.